This video was just posted by James Dunne from Kinetic Revolution and it shows the great Haile Gebreselassie running in slow motion. I particularly was fascinated with the barefoot video and watching what his foot and toes do as they reach for and touch the ground.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Sunday, January 11, 2015
ElliptiGO Get On The Map Rewards
Here is recent ElliptiGO convert Brian Baker with me in front of Nobska Lighthouse in Falmouth, MA. as we were riding the Cape Cod Marathon (and Falmouth Road Race) routes on our ElliptiGOs. I hope to do more rides with Brian and his brother Jeff as they both have recently purchased ElliptiGOs to deal with running injuries (and time off from running) or as a supplement to running training in order to stay healthier and get more training in without getting injured.