Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2008 Women's Olympic Trials Marathon

We went down to the Olympic Trials Marathon in Boston. What a great day! The weather was perfect for spectating and the many loops on the course made it wonderful to watch as the race unfolded. We watched the race from the Mass. Ave bridge and from Memorial Drive. We just shifted positions based on where the runners were going. I think we saw the runners go by 12 times. I took some video using my Sony digital camera. I uploaded some of it on Youtube. Here are a few clips. The rest can be seen under my youtube name, marathonnh.

3 miles with race leader Magdalena Lewy Boulet.

Mile 3 Chase packs

Mile 6 Chase packs

Joan Benoit Samuelson. She can still run but runs as awkward as I feel!

Olympic Trials champion Deena Kastor at 25 miles.

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