Saturday, February 7, 2009

Boston Indoor Games: Saw Two American Records

Tonight I went to the Reebok Boston Indoor Games and witnessed some great athletes competing in many events. My son, Andrew, and I went to the Reggie Lewis Center and found some nice seats at the first turn near the start and finish lines. The meet was sold out but was not nearly as crowded as when my wife and I went a few years ago to see Haile Gebresalasie run. Two American records were set. In a spectacular finish Ethiopia's Sentayehu Ejigu outleaned by the smallest of margins American Shalane Flanagan. Both were timed in 14:47.62. I think the last one tenth of a second was the only time the Ethiopian was in the lead. This was another American record for Shalene. Check out the picture above which is available at Track and Field Photo Magazine.

Here is the video I shot of the incredible finish. Notice that the two leaders lapped Olympian Jenn Rhines.

There was also an American record in the woman's pole vault by Jenn Stuczynski. Here is the video I shot of the record vault.

There were other great races. If I have time tomorrow I may put a few more videos up.
The Boston Indoor Games is always an incredible meet and a treat to see such great athletes up close in Boston. It will be fun to watch the meet again on television tomorrow.

I finished a week on the Warrior Diet and it has been great. My pants are getting too loose! I have been off sugar and other processed food. I don't feel hungry and I think it will be a great way of eating for me. I have eaten more fruits and vegetables, and enjoyed them, in this week than I have ever eaten in a week before. In fact it has probably been the healthiest week of eating I have ever done.

My hamstring would let me run slowly for more than a mile or two until Thursday and then it just eased right up. I increased the mileage up to an 8 miler today outside on my usual loop and with the inactivity, diet, and mostly treadmill running last month I was happy that the run felt great and was at a pace that beats about 85% of my training runs.

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