Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back to Running (finally!)

A patient comes running into the doctor's office and yells. "Doctor, help me. I am shrinking.

The doctor in all of his busyness chirps back to the man, "I am sorry sir, but you are just going to have to be a "little patient"."

I have been trying to have lots of patience! Last week I had one run, an 8 miler on the treadmill. I had a tweak in my back a couple of days earlier after lifting a kettlebell off the floor awkwardly but that run went well. However later that night it started spasming up. I had a hard time moving, stretching, and turning with it because it kept locking up and going into spasms.

It got quite comical. I could barely get into my car. Bending down sent it into spasms, then once I got seated I couldn't get my head into the car. My head would not bend forward. I had to put my hand on top of my head and pull my noggin down in order to get it into the car (no big head jokes here!). Then I couldn't reach out to pull the door shut without putting my back into spasms again. I had to slide my foot out and try to pull the door shut with my toes. At school I would be brought to my knees if I reached the wrong way or sat up or down wrong. Turning over in bed was just painful.

Fortunately things have subsided and I ran 8 stiff miles today after a full week off. If it goes well tomorrow then I may enter the Great Bay 1/2 marathon on Sunday. The best thing about getting injured was that I didn't have to run either of the Eastern States races last Sunday as the weather looked horrible.


  1. Hey Jim, I was running at Mine Falls yesterday and wondered how you were doing since you've been quiet for a few days. Good to see you're still ok, wounded but ok. Maybe I'll see you at Great Bay!

  2. Jim,

    I glad you're starting to fell better. I've experienced everything you've described. It's funny afterwards but during is mighty painful. Take care. I may head up to great bay for a training run.

  3. I have to decide soon about Great Bay. Maybe I'll call it a training run too. Then I won't have to be humbled by a slow time. It will be one expensive training run though.
