Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Younger Legs for Older Runners

Peter Magill is a very fast masters runner. In fact, he is one of the best in the US. He has a website called "Younger Legs for Older Runners". I was checking the site out a bit yesterday. I saw this post titled "Pete's Home Remedies: The Circle of Pain - lower back spasms, hamstring soreness, quad pain" it includes "EASY EXERCISES TO PREVENT, MANAGE, AND RELIEVE THE PAIN OF COMMON LOWER BACK TIGHTNESS, HAMSTRING SORENESS, AND QUADRICEPS PAIN". I found his quadricep pain remedy interesting. It is very simple: Run downhill quickly. He says to, "Either run downhill strides on a moderately steep slope (preferably grass, trail, or some other soft surface), or try a longer brisk downhill run." That is it.

I am not in pain. That is good news but I have bumped the mileage up and am still trying to keep my hips adjusted correctly. So I tried this "remedy" a bit today in the middle of my run. Now on Saturday I had run 15 miles and then I did 12 on Sunday. I took yesterday off and went out for today's run. I felt real sluggish after a couple of miles and thought I might have to walk at about 3 miles. I decided to run home and call it a day at 5 miles. However before I hit a turn to head home I started feeling a bit better so I decided to go 7 miles. Then on a downhill I just let my stride go and picked up the pace. Maybe I was starting to feel better after a slow start, or maybe the downhills helped me loosen up some but I started feeling quick and loose so I skipped the 7 mile route and kept going. I ended up running 15 miles and felt just fine the rest of the way.

Unfortunately I have not been able to wear the new Nike Lunaracers since the 15 miler on Saturday. The tongue or shoelaces were irritating the top of my left foot. It still hurts when I put shoes on. I almost cut the tongue off so I could run in them today, but they are new shoes so I will wait it out.


  1. Jim,

    You are turning into a monster. Be careful buddy, you don't want to be on the sidelines. Run smart, take time off every now and then and let your body recover.

  2. That's an interesting remedy. Thanks for the link to the site -- I'm going to check it out.
