Saturday, December 12, 2009

Running on Vitamin D: A Runner's World Article

In case you don't read Runner's World, in the December issue there was an article on Vitamin D that is now posted online here.

I wrote a previous post on Vitamin D here and since that post have been taking 2000 iu daily. It is very cheap at under $15 for a years supply here.

It might be worth reading up on Vitamin D particularly when we don't get much sunlight in the winter months here in New England.

In case you haven't seen the January issue of Running Times. There is a nice article on Gate City Strider Cathy Merra that tells about her success as a master and now a senior runner. It is not posted online yet so go buy the issue. The same issue also had an article on New England legend Larry Olson, who unfortunately died while on a run last week. That article is posted online here.

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