Monday, February 15, 2010

Rethinking the Boston Marathon

I guess I waited way too long, but I checked last week and the Gate City Strider's bus to the Boston Marathon is full. I knew it might fill up before I signed up, but I guess I was waiting to sign up before I wasted more money on the marathon without any idea if I could run it this year. I told myself I would sign up as soon as I could get in a long run of 13+ miles, something not too easy with the bad achilles that has limited my running. With all the physical therapy I have been doing the past two months, I didn't want to push more than I should and mess up the good stuff that I have been working on. The PROS for running Boston this year would be: I am registered, I should be fit enough to run (not race) with my current progress, and probably most important is that is is 10 years since the Nashua School department would not let me take a personal day to run the race, so I ran "The Last Shift" with race director Dave McGillivray. The CONS for not running this year: It could mess up the physical therapy I have been doing, I haven't done the training as of yet, and I don't want to figure out a way to get to the start. Unless I find another running club with a bus to the starting line or someone else who is driving to Hopkinton, I will probably do the smart thing (losing my $130 registration) and watch the race on television.

My running is going real well. I ran 38 miles last week: Mon. (PT) Tues. (Track: 3X a set a 400m, 400m 800m ran the 400's between 85-89 and the 800's between 2:55-3:00).Wed. (PT) Thurs-Sat (8 miles each day) Sun (10 miles-longest run this year). I continued playing with intermittent fasting. I did not eat a breakfast any day this week and on Saturday and Sunday I did not eat anything until dinner time. I have now done this for four weeks and I am going to have to wear my pants a size down (after moving up a month ago). I haven't weighed myself at all as I go by how I feel. So far it is a very easy system and I have no energy drops when running, in fact I feel better. Today also ended my last day of  physical theapy. I have been going twice a week to Select Physical Therapy in Nashua for two months and the results are fantastic and still coming in as my body adapts and changes. This has been the best therapy I have ever done for my running. It takes work, but it puts me in control of fixing my own body. I just needed the eyes and knowledge that I got from Jackie to set me on the right path. I would highly recommend her as a therapist for anyone in the Nashua area. I have tried so many different things to fix my stride and with this therapy I feel that I am finally headed in a positive direction.

Within hours of the end of physical therapy (although I will still be doing the exercises on my own)  a new exercise tool was brought to my house by UPS. I have been eyeing the TRX Suspension Trainer
for quite a while and finally ordered one last week. I needed a way to do some of the progressions of exercises in the Convict Conditioning book I have been using as well adapt and find new ways to work the muscles that physical therapy has exposed as my weak and unstable muscles. It looks like a lot of fun and I look forward to using it.

I am also looking forward to a great year of running straight and running strong!

Fitness Anywhere Video
I haven't tried these AURIAEarphones , but they claim to be made for runners Here is a link to a video explaining them from

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