Saturday, April 9, 2011

1984 Falmouth Road Race

6 miles: Mark Curp, Adriain Leek, and eventual winner David Murphy
From the Falmouth Road Race site.
1984 — Prize money was officially awarded for the first time at Falmouth, although financial compensation and inducements had long been a part of the running scene. But this year it was above the table, and Dave Murphy of Great Britain and Joan Nesbit of North Carolina stepped forward to claim the $6,000 first prizes. In all, $46,000 was awarded and 5,004 answered the starting gun on a hot, sun-splashed day. Murphy worked hard for the money, overtaking Mark Curp in the last 200 meters to win Falmouth's closest race ever. The race marked Curp's third top-five finish in three years. This was an Olympic year and defending champions Joseph Nzau and Joan Benoit stayed home, both recuperating from running marathons in Los Angeles, where Benoit captured the gold medal. Nesbit, helped by a new staggered starting system, recorded the fourth-best women's time at Falmouth with a 37:12.

I recall reading after the race that Joan Nesbit was being coached by my former high school teammate Don Lockerbie.

finished 251 in 40:46
6 mile mark

Sarah came to watch her first Falmouth. She eventually ran it in 2006.

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