Monday, September 19, 2011

Beating Galen Rupp

Week 7 post hip surgery. After two weeks where my running mileage totaled 12 miles each week, I dipped back into single digits this week hitting just 8 miles of running. I am just being careful of my hip (actually the surrounding muscles and just giving them time to adjust). My hip flexors and left glute medias or piriformis gets tight after running some days. I did have a few post surgery landmarks, however. Anyhow this weeks totals: Monday: zippo Tuesday: 5K miles Mine Falls Wednesday: 5 miles recumbent cycle, 5 miles indoor cycle, 2 miles elliptical Thursday: 10 miles on the elliptical machine at the YMCA- former best was 7 miles Friday: 10 miles mountain bike in Mine Falls Saturday: 3 miles indoor cycle, 1 mile in 7:14, 3 miles recumbent cycle, 1 mile in 6:53 Sunday: 5k run in Mine Falls then 3 miles cool-down on the recumbent cycle at the YMCA Friday I did 10 miles on the elliptical before the program finished. It won't let you go beyond 2 hours. Saturday, I was inspired to try to break 7 minutes for a mile on the YMCA indoor track (previous best post surgery was 7:30. I was happy to do that the second time around, but was sucking wind big-time. The corners on this track (9 laps = 1 mile) are not as easy for my hip. Sunday I was inspired enough by Galen Rupp's recent 10,000 meter American record to beat his time for 1/2 the distance. Galen ran 26:48 in Brussels. I wondered if I could run that fast on the Mine Falls 5k course. My best time post surgery had been 27:29. I was happy to run the course in 25:33. By next spring, I hope to shave another 6 minutes off that time to be where I was last summer with a bad hip, and then if all keeps going well, to start getting faster after that!

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