Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lopez Lomong: Everything is Possible

Here is Lopez Lomong telling his incredible story from being kidnapped as six year old by soldiers in Sudan in a an attempt to train him to be a child soldier and how he escaped to become one of the Lost Boys of Sudan. He tells how he was first inspired by watching Michael Johnson racing in the Olympics on a television  set to coming to America, earning his citizenship, and making the USA Olympic team in the 1500 meter race. In just 8 years Lopez went from being in a refugee camp to running in the Olympics for the USA and then most poignantly, Lopez was chosen by the American athletes to be the flag bearer for America in the opening ceremonies in Beijing. As the say, "Only in America!"

More on Lopez Lomong's story from HBO. While in Kakuma, the refuge camp in Kenya, Lopez. "ran and ran and soon it was more than just a hobby. It was all he had in the world."

Here is Emmanuel Jal, a friend of Lopez Lomong, and fellowSudanese Lost Boy and child soldier who dedicates his life to bringing peace to Sudan as well as throughout the world singing his song, "We Want Peace."

Emmanuel Jal has a book, a documentary movie, and a music cd all called "War Child." They are worth reading, watching, and listening to if you want to know about such an inspiring figure.

Lopez Lomong and Emmanuel Jal doing good things and showing mutual respect.

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