Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Watch the new documentary "Town of Runners" online

I have made two blog posts on the documentary Town of Runners and now it looks like you can watch it at the Tribeca Film Festival if you are in New York. There is also an option for 1000 people to watch it online, so sign up now if you are interested. I don't see any cost to watching it online and it says the online showing is on April 19 at 6:45. This is for US residents. I hope that is not the only time it is shown as I have an awards dinner to go to with one of my students that night.

Previous posts:
Ethiopian Running Documentary: Town of Runners
More on Bekoji: The Ethiopian town that's home to the world's greatest runners

A great DVD starring Ethiopian great Haile Gebrselassie: Endurance

You can rent Town of Runners on Amazon.

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