Sunday, November 11, 2012

Patience and Consistency

Being consistent and not doing too much were the themes this week. I ran every day for a total of 18 miles. I did try to push further Friday and Saturday, but that might not have been the best idea as things still tighten up beyond the two mile point. I am keeping patient and testing things until I feel ready to run longer.

Monday: 2 miles
Tuesday: 2 miles (treadmill)
Wednesday: 2 miles
Thursday: 2 miles
Friday: 4 miles
Saturday 4 miles
Sunday: 2 miles
Total for the week: 18 miles
Total days running in a row: 13 days

Nothing exciting there, although twice this week my wife saw me running and said my legs were straighter than they have looked in years.

Here are some words of wisdom from Don Kardong, the fourth place finisher in the 1976 Olympic Marathon held in Montreal. If you believe that the winner was doping as the German files from that era suggest, then Don would be the silver medal winner and Frank Shorter would be a two-time gold medal winner.

“Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos.”

“Avoid any diet that discourages the use of hot fudge.”

One of the best things about running is that it gives you permission to eat more ice cream!

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