Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March Miles

Since my last two posts have been about the Falmouth Road Race, I figured I would share one more  photo that traces my racing career to even deeper historical roots in Falmouth. This picture is from July 4, 1961 at what looks to be an early predecessor to the Falmouth Road Race and 12 years prior to its more currently hailed beginnings in 1973. That is my older brother jumping the gun in the center of the picture. I am the calm and slightly ambivalent racer with the white rope belt standing there waiting for the official start. The photo was taken at the East Falmouth Elementary School playground. For those who have run in Falmouth, this school is right at the 9 mile mark of the Cape Cod Marathon.

Here is my mileage over the past three weeks:

March 11-17   32 miles- highlight was running my fastest 8 mile route in a couple months by about one minute- so that is also my fastest time post surgery
March 18-24  37 miles- highlight was 13 mile run- only the 2nd time going that far outdoors post surgery
March 25-31 27 miles- highlight- two 8 milers within seconds of my fastest time 2 weeks ago

Total miles January 97 miles
Total miles February 194 miles
Total miles March 139 miles
total miles 2013 430 miles

I am not doing as much as I did in February, but I am trying to run at a faster pace. My muscles really tighten up after faster runs as my hips go through a larger range of motion, and I am finding it takes a day or two for my muscles and joints to calm down so I can run again with a good stride. I am also finding that my hips and body have really gotten off balance lately. I am now taking some time off until I can get it sorted out as running in an imbalanced fashion can only lead to problems. It is a minor setback, that I do want to bully my way through. I have been finding that I am starting to either feel fit for my runs (running faster and farther) but a bit off with my balance and stride or really forcing a run (usually the day after running hard).

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