Sunday, September 15, 2013

Happy Anniversaries!

Exactly 40 years ago this week, I signed up for the cross-country team as a freshman at Falmouth High School. It was the first year of the then new high school in Falmouth with a new track (both have since been refurbished). The track is the same place that the Falmouth Mile is held every year in conjunction with the Falmouth Road Race. The first day I ran was an early release day with a dual meet race. My buddy, Stu and I, ran the entire 2.9 mile course as a warm-up with the team as well as laps around the track jogging the straights and sprinting the corners. We ran about 1/2 mile out on the course to cheer the varsity team on and then ran back for our race. We ended up taking a wrong turn and getting lost in the woods a mile into the race. No one even noticed us missing, even though we returned long after the race was over. They were worried about two lost girls from the other team who followed us off course, however. I could barely move for days after all that running. Boy were my legs sore!

1983 Cape Cod Endurance Triathlon
30 years ago this week, I competed in one of the first Ironman distance triathlons held outside Hawaii: the first Cape Cod Endurance Triathlon: results and video here. I had only been cycling and swimming (training myself) for a few months and the race was my longest swim (by almost 1 mile) and longest bike (by over 40 miles). I was very tired after all those miles. Boy were my legs sore!

2003 Kickbiking

10 years ago last month, I rode my Kickbike 127 miles from Nashua to Falmouth, Ma. That was my longest Kickbike ride by 65 miles. Boy were my legs sore!

I am not sure what I did 20 years ago. I was transitioning from bike racing back to being a runner. Somewhere around that time I became a Gate City Strider.

On Saturday (or Sunday), I hope to complete my 2nd century on the ElliptiGO at the Seacoast Century . If all goes well I hope to do it under 7 hours. I don't expect my legs to be that sore! That is what I love about the ElliptiGO. I can go out and bash 50 miles, like I did on Saturday, and feel really good once I am done. No joint pain and just a good tired muscular feeling!

I wonder what strange type of thing I will be doing in 10 years time?

Here is the mileage for the last two weeks on the ElliptiGO. School, rain, and earlier sunsets are cutting quickly into my ElliptiGO fun!

September 2-8
Monday: 24 miles
Tuesday: 8 miles
Wednesday: 30 miles
Thursday: 20 miles
Friday: 15 miles
Saturday: 50 miles
Sunday: 0 miles
total weekly miles = 147 miles
total ElliptiGO miles = 1675 miles (11 weeks)

September 9-15
Monday: 0 miles
Tuesday: 30 miles
Wednesday: 20 miles
Thursday: 0 miles
Friday: 8 miles
Saturday: 50 miles
Sunday: (2 mile run) 30 miles
total weekly miles = 138 miles
total ElliptiGO miles = 1813 miles (12 weeks)

total running miles: 2 miles
total summer running miles 8 miles (12 weeks)

Well, I tried running again today. I have run 2 miles four times since getting the ElliptiGO. I do not feel ready to run, just yet. I get a tightness at the top of my femur/hip joint in the rear. I don't feel it at all on the ElliptiGO, but when I run and as I land on my left foot it is not a pleasant feeling, I feel it as well as when I move over my foot. I am starting to wonder if it might be that the labrum is too tight now, rather than a muscle? I am sure I could continue running for a few more miles, but I am waiting it out to see if it ever goes away.

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