Monday, September 2, 2013

Ten weeks on the ElliptiGO: Over 1500 miles

After 10 weeks on the ElliptiGO, I have to consider it an overwhelming success. I have averaged 150 miles/week and have enjoyed every single mile.

August 26-September 1
Monday: 8 miles
Tuesday: 30 miles
Wednesday: 19 miles
Thursday: 0 miles
Friday: 36 miles
Saturday: 13 miles
Sunday: 0 miles
Total weekly ElliptiGO miles: 106 miles
Total ElliptiGO miles: 1528 miles  (10 weeks)

For ElliptiGO riders, here are some things I have found can help you as you ride:

Toe Cages: You don't need to use toe cages on the ElliptiGO, just like you don't need clip on pedals for road biking. I did over 1000 miles without them and was just fine. I bought a pair two weeks ago and they do help you with power on the uphills (reminds me of snowshoe racing), as well as help you accelerate when you want to pick up speed quickly. I will keep them on my Elliptigo.

Carrying things on the ElliptiGO shouldn't be difficult as there is a lot of space to attach water bottles and gps devices to the handlebars and there is storage areas between the tracks of the ElliptiGO. At first, I just attached a couple of old bike seat bags back there for tools, extra money, and a cell phone ( I got my first cell phone (just a cheap tracfone) after I got my ElliptiGO so my wife could know where I am or I could contact her if something went wrong on a ride. I still haven't used it when riding, but it is safety thing).

While I was at the Falmouth Road Race, I picked up a SPIBELT. This is a little belt that goes around the waist with an expandable pocket for keeping the cell phone, a few dollars, keys, or anything else at waist level. I don't notice it at all as I ride and it is nicer to access the phone for quick photos from the belt as well as being easier to put on then trying to fit the cell phone into a small bag near my feet. I don't know if I would ever run with it, but maybe it is just as easy to use and comfortable when running as it is when GOing.

I also improved my carrying capacity when I was given a rear storage bag specifically made for the ElliiptiGO at the End of Summer Classic ElliptiGO race last week. It was provide by Stand Up and Ride. This bag fits neatly onto the ElliptiGO and holds a lot more stuff then the makeshift bike bags I had been using.

Here is my new Recover Your Stride Hero: a neighborhood squirrel. I was putting a new gas grill together in the front yard yesterday and I heard a branch break off a tree. I looked up and saw a small branch descending to the road from about 50-60 feet up... along with a squirrel. They both landed and the squirrel just lay there with no movement at all. I watched for over a minute then went inside to tell Sarah what I had just seen. She saw the squirrel just laying there. All of a sudden, after a few minutes,  the squirrel just jumped up and ran off into the neighbor's back yard. Best recovery I have ever seen!

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