Sunday, November 10, 2013

Indoor Training: Treadmill, Rowing, and indoor ElliptiGO

Indoor wheels
Now that it is getting too cold and dark to ride my ElliptiGO outdoors, I have transitioned to indoor workouts. Over the past month my mileage was limited due to a bad viral infection and nasty cough as well as the weather outdoors. I picked up a bike trainer with a adapter kit for the 20 inch tires of the ElliptiGO (CycleOps Fluid 2 Indoor Bicycle Trainer, CycleOps Stackable Climbing Block, CycleOps 20 and 24-Inch Wheel Adapter) and took out a ceiling tile in my basement for my head and off I GO. While not the same as riding outdoors, I get some good workout time in and have started using my old Concept 2 Rower and my treadmill. I am going real easy on the running and rowing so as to not awake any muscle that wants to lock down my hip. I am very pleased to do some cross-training and light running. In the previous month I did a few 5 minute runs around my block and survived them fine, but when I tried a 2 mile run, my hip muscles locked up the next day. It was the fifth 2 mile run I have tried since June. I hope to do the Galloping Gobbler 5K Thanksgiving Day race at a slow jog. That race is the only running streak I have left. I have competed every year they have held it. Then I hope to do some snowshoe racing this winter. I have only had one enjoyable and decently hard race since my hip surgery and that was a 10k snowshoe race last March. Snowshoe racing is much more strenuous that running, but there is not so much pounding. I am hoping that will be better for me. Whatever I do, I am going to be careful and not try to tax the muscle and ligaments around my hip. Slowly, I am getting more improvement in strength and stability as well as straightening out my many compensations from before my hip surgery more than 2 years ago.

The ElliptiGO foot platforms  remind me of my racing snowshoes! Here is why.

October 14-20 ElliptiGO 20 miles and 30 miles
October 21-27 0 miles
October 28- November 4 3 X 8 miles and 30 miles

November 4-10
Monday: 1 hour ElliptiGO, 12 min. treadmill
Tuesday: 0 min.
Wednesday: 35 min. ElliptiGO, 10 minutes rowing, 15 minutes treadmill
Thursday: 0 min.
Friday: 40 min. ElliptiGO 20 min. treadmill
Saturday: 30 min. ElliptiGO, 15 min. rowing, 15 min. treadmill
Sunday: 30 min. ElliptiGO 15 mins treadmill

Total ElliptiGO outdoor miles 2330 miles (19 weeks ending  November 4)
Total Indoor workouts: 3:15 ElliptiGO, 0:25 rowing, 1:47 treadmill

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