Wednesday, May 21, 2014

2014 Falmouth Road Race

I was trying to register for the Falmouth Road Race lottery the other night at the very last moment and registration closed before I hit submit, but thanks to the race committee I was given a lottery bypass number :) so I am officially in! I first ran Falmouth in 1975 and last ran it in 2010 a year before my hip surgery (and the very full last month of racing I had before I was sidelined by a hip labral tear). I will race it on mostly ElliptiGO training to see how that works, but I will have do a small bit of weekly mileage, at least more than the  2 miles of running I have done since the last snowshoe race!

When I bought my ElliptiGO last July, I gave myself a year of riding in hopes that I could get my running back on track. I have already gone over 5000 miles on the ElliptiGO, but have done limited running (about 125 miles since July). I ran the snowshoe races this winter basically on my ElliptiGO training. The one year mark for using the ElliptiGO is approaching and I am loving training on it. It will be interesting to see what I can do running wise come July and to see if my heavy duty ElliptiGO mileage will translate into being able to race Falmouth. I can't wait to see what happens and to do Falmouth again.

It was a lot easier to register for Falmouth back in 1975.
Check out the top right corner. Morning of race entries were only $2.00 back then!

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