Hot off the Press Reading Recommendations for Movement and Mobility Work
I am still in the hopeful mode of being able to run some day. Except for the other days when it gets so frustrating and I believe it will never happen. There is some secret somewhere, but I just can't find it. I got a new health plan this summer and with this one I can schedule my own PT or chiropractic appointments. I decided to try a PT with whom I had heard many good things from back in August. I went to him about 10 times with no improvements, well I did get better at doing clam-shells and other exercises that he assigned to me that never helped in the past and didn't help this time either. The ART he did on my muscles did not seem to help either. In the end, he and I both decided he wasn't helping me and I heard the same things I have heard in the past from therapists about how complicated my body is!
I gave up on running again by that point, but decided to give it another shot. I started with one minute runs, but the next day I was as sore as if I had run for a mile or two. I tried some longer runs up to two miles, and the running feels fine, but the next day of two all sorts of muscles are thrown and pulled out of whack.
I thought I found some new and unique movement pattern exercises that worked amazingly in a new way for me and for a week I felt great, but then they stopped working. Last week I did a 3 mile run on the treadmill and it felt easy, but the next day and still through to today, everything around my hip keeps firing up and causing all sort of tightness that migrates around my hips, back, and legs. I was hoping to be able to get in shape to to a 5k Thanksgiving day race and eventually another winter of snowshoe racing, but I don't like how I feel the days after running. It is so uncomfortable.
In the past few months, I have been checking out a few books that I hope could help me, but I haven't found the correct therapy (if there is one for me yet). Anyhow, here are some quick observations of a few of those books, but first I will start with two videos.
I wish there was a book or website for this. I discovered this movement and a few others from Susan McLaughlin (her blog) on YouTube. It is based on work by Gary Ward (website). Doing these exercises for a week had me feeling great and is the type of movement pattern I need. Unfortunately, there is not much on the web about this and it seems you have to learn to be a trainer to learn the movements. These felt very "right" for me when I did them, but I realize it is only a small part of a whole movement program.
I always check out newly published books to see what I can glean that might be helpful.
Ready to Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Naturally is the newest book by Kelly Starrett of Crossfit MWwod fame. He advocates all sorts of strategies to improve mobility and movement. A lot of his suggestions have been too drastic for my problems, but if you want to go into the "pain cave" then he is your guy. This book is geared towards runners, moreso than his previous book Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance. He also has a framework based on 12 performance standards to build his book around. I was reading a bit of his chapter on hydration last night and was convinced to move away from drinking diet sodas and plain water and start trying some Nuun All Day Hydration tablets to add to some tap water.
I have the original POSE running book and met Dr. Romanov when he first published it at the Boston Marathon years ago. He has a new book out The Running Revolution Deluxe: How to Run Faster, Farther, and Injury-Free--for Life I got the audio/video Kindle version. Again, if my hip mechanics were not bothering me, I think some of his exercises and theories would be helpful, but I realized I have a hard time diving deeply into a book like this when I have to first be able to run without the problems I get hours later. It is like a chicken-horse thing. I have to figure out what is wrong with the chicken before I can ride the horse. No one has written the book on how I can fix my chicken! And I can't put the horse before the chicken!
Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement by Katy Bowman is an interesting book on human movement. She does some deep thinking, but writes in a practical and easy to understand way. Katy is also very down to earth, however sometimes it seems that she is writing more for a female audience.
Finally The Roll Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Erase Pain, Improve Mobility, and Live Better in Your Body was just published this week and I received my copy today. This one impresses me greatly upon first view. It is full and comprehensive. Jill Miller puts out her own DVDs and has her own therapy balls and tools under the Yoga TuneUp brand. She also has been working with Kelly Starrett a lot recently. There are photos galore with tons of ways to use balls, blocks, and other tools to work on muscles. I see many things I want to try. From the looks of it, I will spend lots of time with this book. The photos of muscles and bones are helpful and I see so many new ways to use massage balls on muscles throughout the body.
These are all good book recommendations if you are interested in movement therapy and ways to deal with muscular or joint tightness. That said, what works for you may not work for me. These are intriguing reads and guides, but I am still looking for that magic something that gets me running pain-free. My worry is that I have some residual post surgery thing that can't be fixed. I don't quite yet understand why I can ride 100 miles in a day on my ElliptiGO, but can't run 100 yards without dealing with discomfort that next day.
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