Tuesday, May 15, 2012

1982 Falmouth Road Race Video

Alberto and Joan were the champions in 1982.
One of these days, I will get around to putting up my photos of the 1982 Falmouth Road Race, but with registration now open for the 2012 version of the race, I would like to point you to the 1982 Falmouth Road Race video. I have had this link from Letsrun.com in my favorites for a few years. This comes from a CBS broadcast of the race and from Juan Martinez who has links to many race pictures and videos on his site. To see or download the race go here. To see the original letsrun thread go here (I am TDF on letsrun). You can see many of my other photos and memories from other years at Falmouth at these and other pages on my blog.

Other Falmouth Road Race Posts

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