Tuesday, August 19, 2014

ElliptiGO riders at the Falmouth Road Race and Falmouth Mile

ElliptiGO riders had a great showing at the Falmouth Road Race and Falmouth Mile. Here are some photos I took at both events.

In the Falmouth Mile there were three ElliptiGO athletes (all in the women's mile). I heard that Ben True rides an ElliptiGO (Ben was 2nd in the Road Race last year) and was entered in the mile, but he did not race as he has a 5000m race coming up in Europe. ElliptiGO milers Katie Mackey and Sarah Brown finished first and second in the women's mile and Gabe Grunewald finished 7th.

I tried taking a video of the women's finish. It didn't come out that good. This part is in focus.

Results of the women's mile

1. Katie Mackey, 4:27.79
2. Sarah Brown, 4:28.70
3. Morgan Uceny, 4:29.62
4. Brie Felngagle, 4:29.84
5. Amanda Eccleston, 4:30.43
6. Stephanie Garcia, 4:31.26
7. Gabriele Grunewald, 4:36.33
8. Heidi Gregson, 4:38.16
9. Aisha Praught, 4:44.44

In the Falmouth Road Race the next day, ElliptiGO athlete Craig Leon finished 8th overall.

Sarah Brown came back after her mile race to run the full course the next day.

Meb was racing too! I wasn't sure what he was doing so far back from the front, but then I saw he was running with Joan Benoit Samuelson.

After finishing, Meb came back on the course to cheer on the runners.

At the expo on Saturday, I got this photo of myself with Frank Shorter and Bill Rodgers. I got to talk a bit about ElliptiGO riding with Frank. All three of us ran the 1975 Falmouth Road Race. A race that has been called the beginning of the running boom. Frank reemphasized that there was a "paradigm shift" with that race where the two best marathoners (Frank was the current Olympic Champion and Bill was the current Boston Marathon champion) raced on the roads for the first time. Bill had written a letter to Frank inviting him to run Falmouth. Frank wrote back (Bill had the old letter with him) and I think it was suggested to Bill that he take $600 under the table to run the race. Frank said he would have asked for the same. Only 850 runners ran that race and I am proud to be one of them. I started running at Falmouth High School in the fall of 1973 (a month after the first Falmouth Road Race) at the new high school and track (where the Falmouth Mile is held every year) and I grew up about 1/2 mile from the finish line of the road race. 

Does anyone know of any other ElliptiGO athletes who ran? I may have a photo of them.

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