Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Falmouth Road Race: Dreams die hard

Sunday is the 42nd running of the Falmouth Road Race. I had hoped to be able to run my hometown road race for the first time since my hip surgery in 2011. Every year, since the surgery, "hope springs eternal" that I can make successful return to pain free running. I pretty much took a year off from running and used the ElliptiGO instead hoping to get my running legs back. I applied for a number fot this year's race, just a bit after the last moments to do so, but was still let into the race. I got the race #802, which would mean for the first time since 1980, I would not start in the front running group. It would still put me near the front and I would be able to start in the first wave. I was hoping my running would allow me to run a decent time despite the lack of training and just enjoy the running- rather than trying to go fast. My many miles on the ElliptiGO would hopefully keep me in good enough shape. Last week alone I did over 250 miles, which is the equivalent to over 80 miles of running.

Unfortunately, each time I try running, I start paying for it in my hips and pelvis. I tried running before going to Africa in July and after four workouts with the most being 4 miles I stopped due to how it threw everything off around my pelvis. I started up again, after returning, and put in a 2 miler and then another 4 miler and again my body paid for it the next two days. I know I could run Falmouth this year, but somehow I don't think it would be good for me or even enjoyable. I think the hardest thing would be after the race. I would have to walk over a mile to get to my car and I know that after I run and then stop, I have a hard time even lifting up my left foot. Why hurt myself?

I have decided to do what I did last year, go to the race and ElliptiGO the course before setting up near the finish line to take photographs and video. I must be getting old, because that seems more fun to me then just running the course for old times sake. Maybe next year, which will be 40 years since my first Falmouth Road Race I can run. I really miss feeling and running like this photo from the near the finish in 1980, but I have to remember the difference between good pain and bad pain.

The hopeful news is that I started some new PT this week. I haven't done any type of treatment for my hips since last October. I have a new health insurance, that not only is cheaper for my family, but allows unlimited chiropractic and PT appointments (even without a referral). Once I finish paying off my deductible, I don't even have to pay a copay! I started with a well-recommended PT who also does ART. I am going in twice a week and because I didn't need a referral, he can look at my whole body and not just the hips (as previous PTs were forced to do). So he is working on strengthening the hip and getting it our of anterior pelvic tilt as well as working on my foot and ankle.

Speaking of running Falmouth back in the 1970s, I recently found some old photographs online from the Falmouth Enterprise showing the race from 1974-1079. There are some pretty good photos to look at and you can find the gallery here. I did notice that the first photo is of Marty Liquori finishind 2nd in 1974. The photo is labeled as Bill Rodgers.

I also noticed that Outside Interactive has an app for Windows and the iPad that lets you run virtual race courses around the world while running on your treadmill. I have not tried it yet, but I have a few friends that have worked for the company on their videos. This is what it says:

Virtual Runner is an exciting new video software product developed by Outside Interactive. Created with the treadmill runner in mind, Virtual Runner consists of a software “app” for Windows or iPad, used in conjunction with our professionally shot HD videos taken from a first person point of view. Video speed can be adjust manually (iPad only) to match your pace as you run on the treadmill. For a more immersive experience, video speed can be adjusted automatically with the use of an ANT+™ footpod and ANT+ Wireless Receiver “stick.” An optional ANT+ compatible Heart Rate Monitor can also be used to provide real time data via a heads up display. ANT+ is the wireless network protocol found in many of today’s wearable technology by brands such as Garmin, Timex and Adidas.
Ono of Outside Interactive courses is the Falmouth Road Race. The app is free, but you purchase the courses you want to run. I would be curious if anyone has used this with their treadmill. You can see the preview here:

   New Balance Falmouth Road Race Trailer from Outside Interactive on Vimeo.

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